What does the Triple Mantra Machine do?

The Triple Mantra Machine creates a bubble of safety and protection around you by by playing a recording of a protective sound current called “Triple Mantra” at a low volume non-stop.

How do I purchase a Triple Mantra Machine?

Purchase a Triple Mantra Machine by clicking here.

Why doesn’t the Triple Mantra Machine have a lower price?

This is not a mass-manufactured product imported from a third-world. Each Triple Mantra Mantra Machine is individually handcrafted in the USA.

What recording does the Triple Mantra Machine play?

The Triple Mantra Machine plays Dr. Levry’s recording entitled “Soulful Triple Mantra”.

Where can I get “Soulful Triple Mantra”?

This recording is available free as part of the “Prayer for the Ukraine”.

It is also included in Dr. Levry’s album “Naam Lumiere”.

How long does it take to take to charge? (applies to version with an internal battery only)

Approximately 4 hours.

How long does will it play on a full charge? (applies to version with an internal battery only)

Approximately 24 hours.

Who makes the Triple Mantra Machine?

A longtime student of Dr. Levry.